Friday, January 13, 2006

howdy!! I graduated my combat training course. I have bruises all over my legs from jumping in and out of the Hummers. It was a great class. They gave us Friday off. So I did nothing all day. Dee went and played 18 holes. Ryleigh did jumping jacks with me. Dustin kept himself busy playing with his toys. Daddy brought the kids home a stick pony. It sings the theme song to the lone ranger. And the little head moves back and forth. Ryleigh has not given Dustin a chance to play with it. But, Ryleigh is calling us cowboy daddy and cowboy mommy. So ya'all tune into tomorrows blog, for more from the Dickerson's Ranch. Ya hear.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

to cute. My girls got a couple of stick ponies last year for christmas they sing somthing about brushing hair and then it whinneys. They really love them.