Monday, May 15, 2006

Were back,
we had a good couple days. We looked at lots of homes. Only a few of the were worth looking at again. We Got home around 8:30am this morning. We drove through the night. We did not get much time with Ross, but it is more time then we have had in the past twenty years. Dee is going back up on Wednesday and Thursday.Thank you Connie. I hope that everyone had a good Mothers Day. Connie got a small gathering of family together. I learned to play PO-ken-O. A mix between Bingo and Poker. It was fun. Ryleigh and Dustin always have more then enough fun when they visit. I just thought I would put up some pictures that Connie took on Sunday. Just in case her computer decided to be a pain in the neck. I need to go to bed I have to work tonight. I took pictures of pictures so they are a little blurry.


Unknown said...

Cute pic, but I think you could have mixed/balanced the color a little instead of going light to dark =) teee heee. Love you guys!

Janika said...

Guess who! I finally changed my links so you are linked to my blog.
