Thursday, October 27, 2005

I have gone jogging eight days in a row. And I have lost five pounds. I took Ryleigh out to play. After about an hour she told me she wanted to go home. That is not like her. So of course I am happy to go. So on the way home she said, They(the other kids) said she could not play, and that she bumped her head. Ryleigh said, they were not my friends. Sooo sad:( Not a good way to end play time. So she came home and played with her brother. We are trying to decide what the baby's are going to be for Holloween. This will be Ryleighs first year going.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Keep up on the workout! I love hearing results! Someday I'll be able to hit the gym again. Being 2 CM Dialated and 4 days from giving birth it's just not in the cards right now. I definatley need it with a 45/46" waist(no line-unless you count allthose streach marks!)