Saturday, November 12, 2005

Yesterday I watched a little boy for a lady that I met a McDonalds. Her husband is in Iraq. And has no family close.She has the worst luck. She has been to the hospital over six times in the last two months. One for her and the others for her baby's. I told her to bring her son over so she could get some sleep. Joey her son was just diagnosed with child hood insominia. She has not got much sleep. So Ryleigh and dustin played and played. Dee played golf all day yesterday. When he got home he was worn out. So we put the kids to bed. And I went for a run. This morning I took both baby's to the store with me. Dustin was so sleepy that he was trying to find a place to lay his head in the shopping cart. Poor baby. So insted of going to the park we came home and put dustin to bed. Dee stayed home to get some school work done. Now he is at the golf course. Ryleigh and I might go for a walk later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What cute babies. How do you like living back east? Cleve and I had talked about it but nothing has ever materialized and now that we are doing the add on it problem wont until the kids are gone....