Sunday, January 08, 2006

Dustin was up and down all night long. He is trying to get a couple more teeth. He had a small fever. I qualified on both of my weapons the first try. It was fun. After I got home Dee took the Harley for a quick spin while the kids and I played in the backyard. Dustin kicked his big ball all over the yard. Ryleigh was dancing for all of them. Clapping and stomping. I think that we had every kid in the neighborhood lined up along our fence. No joke. But the babies had a good time. They played until it got dark. Peanut is still leaning to the left. He wanted to play so bad. Harley played fetch until he could not walk anymore. Tomorrow starts another long week If I'm not to worn out I will keep you all posted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello, just wanted to say hi I just love teething kids. our little ones seem to be teething about the same time. :p