Monday, October 09, 2006

Our trip so far.
We had a good drive up the kids slept through most of the drive. So the first day we spent most of the day recovering. Saturday Dev had a garage sale so I helped with that dee went to bet some horses. Sunday the kids spent most of the day playing in the back yard. Devanie had to go get Nathan from the air port so we watch Hailey. Dee would have gone Golfing but he did something to his back the day that we left. So he has been nursing that injury. But by far today was one of the best days we took Devanie and all the kids to the Belmont race track in New York. We did not do very well but the kids had fun watching the horses run. Then after we got home we picked Nate up and went out to the Olive Garden for dinner. So it was a good day. The other photos are having a hard time loading so I will get them out in the next blog.


Unknown said...

We had lots of fun with you.

Janika said...

I miss you guys.