Monday, February 26, 2007

So this weekend the kids had to stay cooped up. Both of them have had fevers. But Dee has to work on Saturdays so I called the neighbor and she came over to watch the babies while we went out and played a round of golf. I'm getting better at that game and it makes me want to play more. After Dee got home and we ate dinner I took the neighbors son to the move Reno 911 Miami. He was the only one that wanted to go with me. But it was so funny. So Dee was off Sunday and today. He went and played his round of golf then he worked at the golf course until about six. Today I should find out what day I start at the Post Office. If they liked my driving record.


Kim and family said...

How much will you be working? I hope the kids feel better soon. Who is going to watch your babies? I bet Ryleigh starts Kindergarten this year. Take care! Lots of love!

Anonymous said...

GRRRRRR. Everything I had written was lost I was just agree with you on the pregnancy thing and then making coment that who ever was in contact with Ashlynn got sick with the exception of Kaeli because so brought it home. Hope all is well.

The Woodward Family said...

You're lucky you have the nice weather to golf in. We have 4-6 inches covering everything here in Reno.