Sunday, December 18, 2005

Our poor poor Peanut. We hope it is just something broken, and it is not genetic. We are having a hard time finding dog sitters. I don't think that Peanut would travel to well. On a much better note. We are glad to find out that Pop's is tuning into all of our blogs. Hi Pop's. I have the next seven days off of work. YEAH!!! We are spending this Christmas together for the first time in over four years. One of us has always had to work. We have had a couple half Christmas days together. But that does not really count for a whole Christmas. That means that I have to cook. Does anyone have any good suggestions?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Grab Some Frozen Raspberries and a package of raspberry jello mix up the jello add the raspberries and top with cool whip when set. MMMMmmm Family favorite. Also make Green bean casserol. recipe is on the Frenches French Fried Onions. and make a Ham. Mashed Potatoes from scratch of course! Also don't for get the snacks Caramel Delights kids can help with
1 Pack caramels unwrapped
1 can Sweet condensed milk
1 stick butter heat over med til just melted Stir constantly DO NOT BURN
1 bag large Marshmallows
1 box rice krispies - our some into a bowl to cover the caramel coated marshmallows -use tongs to dip the Mellows into the caramel and use hands to burry them in krispies. place on a non-stic surface. Enjoy!!