Saturday, November 04, 2006

We had another good day. I had drill, but it was family day. Dee brought the babies up to see me. Dustin is still under the weather so Dee took him home after they looked at a couple of the planes that we had there today. Ryleigh and Dustin both got to sit in a C-130, and a huey. They also got to look at the AWAX (a big surveillance aircraft). Dee took Dustin home to get out of the elements. So, Ry stayed with me and She got to climb up the ladder on the B2 bomber. I took a picture on my cell phone but I would not post. She also played on the on the little bouncy gym things. Then she got ride the bus down to the chow hall and eat some yummy military food. Then we went a rode a fire truck. She impressed all of the guys in my unit. They all thought that she was funny. What a show stopper. The captain walked in the room. He said, " It looks like we have a new recruit." Ry said, "I want to write my name." So he said, " ok." Then he helped her choose a color. What a ham. Then I got out to the car and found out my battery was dead. Happy birthday to me. But some Guys from the unit helped Ry and I get it started. That is what I get for leaving the lights on. After I got home I took Dustin to the E.R. He does not have anything wrong. We just wanted to make sure he was not getting pneumonia. They said, he was Ok and gave him a breathing treatment. So good day. So here is another Holloween Picture.


Kim and family said...

I wanted to post you an early Happy Birthday wish and I am sorry it didn't happen. SO Happy Birthday! It is still Saturday here for another hour. Boy am I tired! Love you!

Janika said...

I enjoyed your birthday celbrating Emylie's. My car doesn't have battery trouble (anymore) and my lights turn on and off when I start and turn off the car ;) I have grown to love that feature. I am glad you got to have some one-on-one time with Ryleigh.