Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Well, It has been a week. I put in three Job applications. Dee has also put in some applications. Yesterday I took the Babies to an indoor park. It actually felt like winter yesterday. This morning at 9:00 the nextdoor neighbor's Daughter, Chelsea and I played Martha Stewart and Betty Crocker. I was Betty. We baked three pumkin pies, a banana nut cake, chocolate chip cookies, and. Two loafs of bread. All from scratch. We finished around Three. So I finale used the Cook book CD's that Dee got me for Christmas last year. I think it went over well.
So what is everyone doing for Thanksgiving tomorrow.


Kim and family said...

My family is coming over. I baked two pumpkin pies and we are about to make a cocolate pudding pie and a light cheesecake made with cream cheese and cool whip. Happy Thanksgiving!! Love ya!

Janika said...

I spent Thanksgiving taking over my mother-in-law's kitchen. We had a fried turkey and--maybe I should just post it on my blog, eh?