Friday, June 22, 2007

Update on the farm.

It does not look so good. I pulled my first ear of corn today it is pathetic. I don't think that corn a two and one foot should be tasseling. I have corn nuggets. what a disaster, the cucumbers are still flowering but not doing any thing else. I planted some potato's and I think that they are going to be successful. The tomato's got eaten by those Green horn worms. I thought that I had rabbits, or they wilted because of the heat, then I took a close look and saw those little bastards on the stem. It was to late. The watermelon is still to early to tell but of the ten or so seeds that I planted only two sprouted and doodles stepped on one. On a positive not the rosebushes in the front of the house are doing very well so are the little queen palms.

The babies are doing very well, Dustin is doing good potty training and ryleigh is always telling on he. They are so good at playing together. It might only last a few minutes then they want to beat the snot out of each other. I cherish the moments that they are enjoying themselves. Dee got a new set of golf clubs for fathers day and Ryleigh made him a card. I have been working a lot and doing school. It will all slow down when school starts up.


Kim and family said...

Lee Joe went to find strawberries this morning and they were gone!! We have a neighborhood racoon and he thinks the racoon ate them all. We haven't been out there in a few days to pick so there should have been plenty. But the raspberries are protected and we are getting some of those now.

Lots of love!!

Janika said...

I think corn needs good soil and there has to be at least five rows, I think, for them to get good cross pollenation.

I am still proud of you.

Kim and family said...

Where did you go? By the way, we missed you at the reunion!