Sunday, December 23, 2007

I had to work the past two days for the Post office and I have to work on Monday too. I'm not looking forward to mail on Monday. I am slow when it comes to putting up the mail and they say that Monday is always really bad. I might have to deliver in the dark. Last night after I got off work we went to the Hargis's to to do eat and have our gift exchange. Ryleigh got two Bratz dolls Dustin got a Power Ranger and race car that makes lots of noise. It is Christmas eve and the kids are in bed. I spent the day delivering packages to people so that they could have a merry Christmas. Ryleigh and Dustin helped me put out milk and cookies for Santa Clause. They are both very excited for Christmas day. The store was closed when I went to get fixings for Christmas dinner so, we are going to have Spaghetti for dinner tomorrow. Yeah! Tonight Ryleigh and Dustin opened on gift Dustin opened a Spider man and Ry opened a pink play Cell phone. This weekend has been pretty uneventful for Dee. His knee is hurting him so bad he knows that he needs to stay off of it. That means that he is not playing any golf. That's what I said, "He is not playing any golf."


Kim and family said...

Merry Christmas! The girls enjoyed their gifts from you very much. I laughed over Amber's in particular because she keeps saying how much she loves Tetris. Thank you for Lee Joe's and my gift too. Lots and lots of love.

Janika said...

I guess it is good for Dee's sake as well that we weren't able to make the Disney World trip, because Mike would have been really disappointed if he didn't have a golf partner.

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