Sunday, May 27, 2007
Yesterday, after I got back from work and Dee went out played a few holes. We took Ry and Dustin to the Drive-in movie. We went to go see Schrek. It was pretty good. I still think that one out does all of them. They only started to get into the movie at the end. I think that is because they were getting tired. It was after eleven o'clock when we got home. So today after Dustin woke the whole family up. Daddy went to play some golf with his friends. I went out and mowed the lawn, and intend on washing my car. That about raps it up talk to you soon.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
It has been a long weekend, and we cant seem to get rid of the sickness. Dustin had a fever and a sore throat this weekend and now I have a sore throat and fever. I don't understand why, I have not been able to eat much. But after I got the sore throat I did not think about the root canal. Dee is up in Macon this week, luckily it is the last week that we have to do without him. I ran my first route by myself. I think that it went OK. One of my co workers said that it took her until ten o'clock to get her mail delivered. I was only out an extra hour an five minutes. I was worn out. It was on my way home that I felt my fever and sore throat coming on. I signed more paper work for my promotion. So , If I don't go full time guard I will be promoted. Ryleigh has got to play in the water all week, and is getting so dark. I wish I could tan that easy. Dustin almost has the potty mastered. If only he would go before he started to tinkle. He pinches it of and finishes up in the potty.
Friday, May 18, 2007
We have a Pre school Graduate. She had her little graduation yesterday. S
he had two solo's and she did sing them but you could hardly hear her. It was so cute. Dustin was so engrossed in all the toys in the other room we hardly saw him except when they brought the snacks out. Ryleigh asked me this morning if she had school and she was sad when I told her that school does not start until August. I have Drill this weekend and my flight chief is supposed
to be putting me in for promotion. Yeah E-6 AKA Technical Sergent. Just to put things my honey retired as an e-7, I might out rank him before my time is up. Then I can give the orders. Just kidding
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Today I went and registered for classes again. This semester I'm taking English and PSYCH. I'm taking a bone head English. I'm not even going to bother with the placement test. I know I need to start from the very bottom. Ryleigh has two days of school left and next year she will be a big bad kindergartner. Time flies. Dustin is doing so well at potty training that I think he will be ready for pre school by August. They gave Dee five cases to work on so, I think that he is feeling a bit overwhelmed. I had a root canal yesterday. I can hardly open my mouth to eat. But no more hot cold sensitive, and I got to keep my tooth. The picture is from last night after I took his hair down. I thought it look cool. He thought it had a little Jerry curl look. Handsome man either way you look at it.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Finals are over. Ryleigh is in her last week of school. Dustin is doing really good potty training. Dee has one more week of training and then he does not have to go to Macon. Mothers day was OK. Ryleigh was sick Sat. and Sun fever of 102, Sore throat, and Puking. Poor baby. Today she is doing a lot better. Fever is about 98.8 so, things are looking good. I have been doing a lot of training with the post office. I'm so slow. I did good on Saturday. I made good time on my route. Today was a different story, It took me forever to deliver the business portion of our route. Now that I know were everything is I hope it goes quicker, and I think that my boss hopes the same thing. I passed both of my classes Not with the A that I wanted I got an 89 in Western Civilization and a 78 in computers. The final killed me. So who is going to send me money for my report card????? Anyway the picture is just another cute on of my dirty kids.
Sunday, May 06, 2007
What a mess,
I have tried for over a week to get into my account. I have not had a whole lot of time to do it but every time I tried it told me that I had the wrong password. Anyway, A lot has happened and a lot is happening. I started my job at the Post office, Dustin and I have had the Flu. Ryleigh is doing good in school. Dee is doing a lot of training for his job. I have finals this week and I have to got to three days of Postal academy. As you can tell it is crazy in Georgia. For the first time in Six years we did not even look at the Kentucky Derby. So after this week things should slow down. The top picture is Ry and Dustin playing in the dirt. The picture of Dustin is my little guy with the flu. He lost two pounds.
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